A Failed Prophecy Doesn’t Make a Prophet Fake – Prophet William Braham
Realm of Light Ministries Leader Explains Why Some Prophecies Don’t Come to Pass

- A deep relationship with God helps ensure prophecy accuracy
- Prophets must protect their messages from spiritual interferences
- Emotional influences, prior information, and feelings can affect outcomes
Prophet William Braham of the Realm of Light Ministries has emphasized that a failed prophecy does not automatically label a prophet as fake.
Speaking on the Ghana ‘Se Sen’ program on Lawson TV/Radio, he explained that various factors can cause a prophecy to fail, including emotional influences, prior information, and personal feelings.
He stressed the importance of a strong relationship with God to ensure the prophecy aligns with divine will.
Prophet Braham, also advised that prophets must actively “guard” their prophecies, as spiritual dynamics and unseen forces can interfere.
He added, “Many Christians lack spiritual depth. Those with true spiritual power don’t boast, and those who make threats often lack real authority.”